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You are viewing Cheat Codes for SRS : Street Racing Syndicate

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Game Name : SRS : Street Racing Syndicate
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-03-11 02:07:47
Views : 12499

1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse Gs-t In Arcade Mode:
Press Up, Down, Left, Right at the main menu to enter the code entry screen. Then, enter IGOTGST as a code.

Get away from police:
To get away from any cop during a pursuit, drive into the showroom parking lot. Park in the corner where the wall is located. The cops will circle but not find you. Wait until your meter reaches "Evaded" and you will be all clear.

Pac-Man vinyl:
Enter GORETRO as a code.

Mazda RX-7 Bathurst:
Have all first place finishes in the Los Angeles Iron Man challenge in arcade mode.

Free car repair:
Enter FIXITUP as a code. Note: This can only be used once per profile.

1996 Toyota Supra RZ in arcade mode:
Enter SICKJZA as a code.

Car recommendations:
Choose the 2002 Toyota Celica at the beginning of the game. You can sup this car up well and it handles great. You can finish more then half of the races in your first car. If you are low on money, go to the Sanctioned Desert event races and race the first series a few times. They are quick races and one of the easiest. If you lose, you will not lose any money.

Police car in arcade mode:
Enter GOTPOPO as a code.

Toyota Trueno Apex:
Finish first place in in the Philadelphia Iron Man challenge in arcade mode.

Police Warning Instead Of Ticket:
Press Up, Down, Left, Right at the main menu to enter the code entry screen. Then, enter LETMEGO as a code. The first three times you are pulled over in street mode, you will be released with a warning.

2004 Toyota Celica GT-S Action Package in arcade mode:
Enter MYTCGTS as a code.

Mitsubishi Evo VII GSR:
Win the Los Angeles checkpoint mission in arcade mode.

Get more then one video of a girlfriend:
Ante up and win a few new events to unlock more videos of your selected girlfriend.

Mazda RX-8 Mazdaspeed:
Have all first place finishes in the Miami Iron Man challenge in arcade mode.

Mazda Rx-8 In Arcade Mode:
Press Up, Down, Left, Right at the main menu to enter the code entry screen. Then, enter RENESIS as a code.

Subaru STi:
Win the Street Revolution Crew Meet in street mode.

Subaru S202 STi in arcade mode:
Enter SICKGDB as a code.

Nissan Skyline V-Spec II Nur:
Win all three Nitro Xtreme Crew Meet series in street mode.

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